Videogames and Glitch dat NU NU
Here's some glory shots from things i'm currently working on. enjoy!
New work.
Thank you all for stopping by. I'm trying my hardest to organize all my art and put it online. Sometimes I will only post photos of progress on paintings or updates on events happening I'm involved with. Stay tuned. -za
Which Wich Paper bags
I recently went to SF for a few days to check things out. While traveling I like painting on paper bags. It really started as a way of keeping track of drinks but then has mutated into carrying them around and adding to them as I travel.
TaylorMade Gourds
A new series I made for Bherd Studios "Take 5" Group show. They are availible for purchase at Bherds online site xhibit.htm
Fever Naps
So, Ive been dealing with a lot lately. Between Life, Love, Stress and Setbacks, I haven't so much as given a fleeting glance at this blog. I thought I'd update to show some of the new works in progress. Currently I will be doing a gallery show in March of 2010, more updates on that when the time approaches. At the bottom you will see the wedding piece has been completed.Ive been working towards an idea of doing a zine, these are mainly doodles that become over processed, but I think the ultimate product will look good in a photocopy 3x7 booklet, which the covers will be block printed with.
These Lil guys have been fun, every time i have to use those paid parking lots i steal a few Lil envelopes and draw on them, most the time they are lost or given away as a makeshift business card.
This is the new studio im working in, in Seattle. Its a far cry from the studio at Broadway Studios in Fresno, but I think ive done more work here than anywhere else in the past 5yrs.
Just a few paintings ive been working on lately. Finally finished this one of John, and have been doing alot of little paintings lately.
new paintings
Wedding painting
Here's a new one im working on, the dress was inspired by my friends wedding last week, and the pregnant women seems to be on my mind alot lately. if you look to the right you can also see the forest im starting for a painting im using my friend courtney in. This painting using alot of klimpt elements, but i hope to change this in the coming days by adding alot more color instead of just gold.
Heres some diddys for the upcoming show taken last night on my fone. They are both unfinish native americans on Gords. Theyre pretty fun to paint, i caught myself feeling like a little kid last night playing with them in my studio.
This is a logo i did for a friends band last week, Im not to happy with it, but it serves as something for the time being when i have more time to do something better from them. Check the band out on myspace